“To be a community of communities and movements”, of small communities that within the parish scope are “the salt” that makes Jesus Christ visible today, through Evangelization, Charity, having the Eucharist as its center.
It is to make Jesus Christ known in an active, real and testimonial way in a Catholic Christian environment with an emphasis on the 3 basic dimensions: Evangelization, Liturgy and Charity for families who have the firm decision to serve the Lord through service to our brothers and sisters in Christ to achieve holiness.
We are looking for motivated and committed catechists or assistants for our religious education program. Our classes begin in September and run through May of next year. If you are interested, please stop by the office or call us Tuesday – Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (765) 742-1351 or email Jenny Haro at [email protected].
The Catechists of St. Boniface Church in Lafayette, Indiana, committed to the following as our Vision and Mission in the Ministry of Faith Formation:
Students enrolled in the Religious Ed program attend classes weekly, on Sundays from 11:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. or Mondays from 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Parents will also have an opportunity for Catechesis while their child is in the classroom.
Our curriculum is a Spirit of Truth program from Sophia Institute Press.
Families must be members of St. Boniface Parish to enroll in the Faith Formation classes. The registration fee is $50.00 per child, and there will be an additional $25.00 for First Communion and Confirmation sacramental grades. A minimum payment of $20.00 per child is required at the time of registration. After September 2, a late registration fee will be added of $10. All families are asked to present a copy of the child’s Baptismal certificate if the child is in a sacrament prep year.
Registrations for the new school year will begin late April to early May and end July 10, 2023. Announcements will be in the parish bulletin and announced at weekend Masses.
Classes run late September through late May.
Class Schedules: We offer two sessions at St. Boniface Parish:
Sundays- 11:00am-12:00pm , grades 1-8, Sacramental Preparation including Reconciliation, Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
Mondays – 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m., grades 1, 2, 8, Sacramental Preparation including Reconciliation, Holy Communion, and Confirmation.
Students in their second year of preparation for First Holy Communion will attend a retreat held at St. Boniface in November + Parent Day of Reflection.
Students in their second year of preparation for Confirmation will attend a retreat held at St. Boniface in April or May.
Reconciliation and First Holy Communion Level I
Complete the Registration Form
Proof of Catechesis (in case you come from another Parish)
Age: 6 years +
Tuition: $50
First Communion- Second Level II
Complete the Registration Form
Baptism Certificate (if student was not baptized at St. Boniface Parish)
Certificate of Catechesis I Level (in case you come from another Parish)
Age: 7 years +
Tuition $70
Pre Confirmation - First Level I
Complete Registration Form
Student must have celebrated the Sacrament of First Communion
Proof of Catechesis (in case student comes from another Parish)
Age: 13+
Tuition: $50
Confirmation - Second Level II
Complete Registration Form
Baptism Certificate (if the student was not baptized at St. Boniface Parish)
Proof of Catechesis of Level I (in case student comes from another Parish)
Age: 14+ and be a freshmen in High School (9th grade +)
Tuition: $75
“Ser comunidad de comunidades y de movimientos” , de pequeñas comunidades que dentro del ámbito parroquial, son “la sal” que hace visible a Jesucristo en el hoy, a través de la Evangelización, la caridad, teniendo como centro la Eucaristía.
Es la de dar a conocer a Jesucristo de forma activa, real y testimonial en un ámbito cristiano católico con el énfasis en las 3 dimensiones básicas: Evangelización, Liturgia y Caridad para padres de familias que tengan la firme decisión de servir al Señor mediante el servicio al prójimo para alcanzar la santidad.
Los Catequistas de la Parroquia de San Bonifacio en Lafayette, Indiana se comprometen a lo siguiente como nuestra Visión y Misión en el Ministerio de Formación de Fe:
Pre Comunión-Primer Nivel I
Completar la Ficha de Inscripción
Constancia de Catequesis (en caso que venga de otra Parroquia)
Edad: 6 años +
Cuota: $50
Primera Comunión- Segundo Nivel II
Completar la Ficha de Inscripción
Certificado de Bautismo (si estudiante no fue bautizado en la Parroquia San Bonifacio)
Constancia de Catequesis I Nivel (en caso que venga de otra Parroquia)
Edad: 7 años +
Pre Confirmación - Primer Nivel I
Completar Ficha de Inscripción
Debe haber cumplido con el Sacramento de la Primera Comunión
Constancia de Catequesis (en caso que venga de otra Parroquia)
Edad: 13+
Confirmación - Segundo Nivel II
Completar Ficha de Inscripción
Certificado de Bautismo (si el estudiante no fue bautizado en la Parroquia San Bonifacio)
Constancia de Catequesis de I Nivel (En caso que venga de otra Parroquia)
Edad: 14+ y estar en la segundario grado 9 o mayor